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Heart Reiki

Level 1 & 2 Attunement Initiation
& Reiki Course 
In-Person or Online (Zoom) 


Are you looking to awaken your inner power and step into a life committed to loving and healing yourself?

Are you ready to empower your self by gaining more balance, harmony, and energy in your life?

Are you ready to awaken yourself to your highest potential, and attune yourself to Infinite Possibilities for yourself and collective?


When you heal your self, you heal the world. When you create a shift in your energy, your beliefs, your lifestyle, this change ripples out to affect all those around you. Be the change you want to see in the world. The revolution starts with you.

I offer Private and Group,
Heart Reiki Level 1 & 2 Attunement Ceremonies with Cacao

Each level comes with Initiation and 2 in Person or Online Workshops

Awaken your heart’s infinite potential for healing and transformation in this two-day course, in which I will initiate you in Heart Reiki and show you how to use this frequency of Divine Universal Healing Energy to heal, restore, and bring more harmony into your life and your loved ones.

Heart Reiki is an energy healing modality that amplifies and catalyzes transformation by working with energy, to attune you the frequency of Divine Unconditional Love. Rei is the energy of God/ Universal Spiritual Consciousness.

Everything in this universe is made up of energy. Every molecule and atom is made of subatomic particles that are vibrating in time and space. They are just so small that we can’t see it. But we can feel it, that is why sound, vibration, thoughts, and words even, affect us. Even thought-forms, which are intangible, effect the subtle energy body. There are many experiments that have proven that thoughts, words, and music can affect the patterns seen in water crystals, sand formations, and the way plants grow.


Reiki is a safe and non-intrusive hands on/off healing technique that may be used on yourself or others. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of a person,  including the mind, physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual body. Reiki can encourage  spiritual awareness and spiritual growth. Japanese word Reiki (pronounced Ray Kee) is translated as “Universal Life-Force Energy” or “God-directed life force energy” or “spiritual  energy.” Rei is translated as “wisdom and knowledge of all the universe.” “Kee” is is Qui energy.  Reike is the energy of God/ Universal Spiritual Consciousness 

Benefits of a Reiki Practice:

Increased clarity, intuition, and self awareness.

Catalyst for spiritual growth and enlightenment.

Healing and Harmonizing of the chakras, mind, body, and spirit.

Greater connection to universal love and healing in all areas of your life.

Purification and energy clearing for your self and other.

Heart Reiki 

Heart Reiki is an energy healing modality that combines traditional Reiki with elements of sacred ceremony. Learn the foundations of creating transformational healing rituals and energy healing sessions for yourself and others.

Want to Learn More?

This energy tune up is for anyone looking to fully commit to life of being a healer, light worker, revolutionary, and sacred activist. I invite you to step into your full power, into your pure radiance, and your fully embodied and awakened Higher self. In making this choice, you are not only doing this for your highest and greatest good, but for highest and greatest good of the collective and of all the universe. 

Level 1 Heart Reiki Course $444

 Level 2 Heart Reiki Course $444
both $777

Heart Reiki Level 1 & 2 ATtunement & Course

In Person or Online (ZOOM)

Click the Link to Reserve Your Spot


Level 1

1:1 Reiki Attunement  Ceremony  & Workshop  3 hr 
 1 Integration Follow-up
( Can be done anytime online - book today )
In person available depending on location


Level 2

1:1 Reiki Attunement  Ceremony  & Workshop  3 hr 
+  1 Integration Follow-up
( Can be done anytime online - book today )
In person available depending on location


Sign up for Level 1 + 2 and Save!

ONLY $777

($111 off when you sign up for both)

Start the course and schedule your attunement ceremony upon booking.


All proceeds go toward funding the
Harmonia Temple Project
Please email me at
to tell me a little about yourself and why you want to be Reiki Certified. 

*This course is a prerequisite to the Prosperity Embodied -Sacred Energy School & RetreatReiki Energy works directly with the Chakra system to heal past wounds

and bring healing and harmony into your life.


"Carla attuned me to Reiki in such a beautiful and held way, we sat in ceremony and she shared her magic , held space, grounded us in with sage and opened the heart with Cacao. She channeled inner intuitive wisdom, ancient knowledge, and radiates love throughout the entire process, and I felt so very held and supported both during the session and after.I feel that my ability to space hold in the 5D of unconditional love has already magnified even within a day from her attunement and feel so blessed beyond belief to be initated into the commitment to being a light worker from this shamanic goddess. I really recommend her if you are looking to step into re-discovering the magic and love you are able to provide for others. Such a wonderful tool for both myself and to share with the collective. Thank you Starla-Swati ♥"
-Sage Aurora - Heart Reiki Initiate ♥

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