Kambo is a Spiritual Earth healing remedy that comes from the gland excretions of the Amazonian frog, Phyllomedusa bicolor (Giant Leaf Frog).
It has long been used by the tribes of the Amazon to protect their peoples from illness, depression, predators, lazyness, bad luck, negative energy, and darkness; and has been used by their warriors and hunters to boost the immune system, increase vitality, strength, intuition, sight, and sensory perception.
Today it is used in Shamanic Ritual, or as administered by a trained healing facilitator, to produce holistic healing of the mind, body and spirit. It is also being used by skilled practitioners to help treat and alleviate more serious diseases, like cancer, drug & alcohol addiction, Lyme’s Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Inflammation, Depression, and more.
Kambo's therapeutic effects are caused by a chemical cocktail of bio-active peptides that induce the body into having an immune system response that makes the practitioner purge and detox from all of their cells; helping them release toxins, inflammation, infection, parasites, fungus, and candida from your blood, body, and intestines; and even reduces cancerous cells.

According to https://psychedelictimes.com/kambo/:
Research conducted since the 1980s has shown the chemical makeup of Kambo to contain short chains of amino acids, known as peptides, that affect gastrointestinal muscles and blood circulation as well as stimulate the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland in the brain. While there are no recorded clinical studies that definitively back up Kambo’s efficacy, the properties of Kambo peptides suggest it may be a promising treatment for the following conditions:
Blood circulation problems
Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
Vascular insufficiency
Organ diseases
Fertility problems
Deeply rooted toxins
Chronic pain
Addiction to opiate or prescription painkillers
(Kambo reduces physical pain, thus helping people kick their addictions to other painkillers)
Fever and infections
Negative energies (traditionally known as “panema”)
Some of the ways that I practice and administer Kambo therapeutically:
In preparation for Ayahuasca Ceremony ( Holistic cleansing and detox)
Digestive Healing, Parasite/ MicroBiome Regulation, Allergy Awareness
Ancestral Healing such as clearing/releasing ancestral wounds, Karmic, soul blueprint, gut biome, and DNA
Hormone Regulation – helps with monthly menses and menopause hormone regulation Womb Healing –
Sexual healing of trauma, removal of external energies, chord cutting Sexual Energy – Sexual healing, liberation, balancing, and reclamation of personal sexual energy Trauma, Pain, Emotional, Cathartic Release
Increase in Intuition, Psychic abilities, Subtle Energy Body Awareness and Management Psychic protection, disentanglement, deep spiritual cleansing, Karmic Cleansing
Lyme’s Disease Management
Spiritual Empowerment & Initiation
Treating and breaking Addiction to Tobacco, Cannabis, Alcohol, and other drugs/substances
The physiological and chemical reactions produced by Kambo use in the human body:
Strongly impacts the intestines, causing a profound physical purge
Lowers blood pressure
Increases sensory perception
Produces a strong analgesic effect, improves resistance, increases physical strength
Improves the ability to withstand pain and stressful situations
Helps digestion, and analgesic effects have been proven on those who have renal colic, pains caused by peripheral vascular insufficiency, and cancer pains
Other interesting medical characteristics of this secretion are its anti-inflammatory effects, the ability to destroy microbes and virus, and to heal infections
Faster detoxification and healing can result can occur quickly for people with addictions, although complicated cases may take more time. (3)
For more detailed information regarding the name and effects of the bio-peptides that Kambo releases, and the physiological response produced in the human body, please see the following websites:

There is hope for your healing,
trust in your heart's journey
The administration of Kambo produces a cathartic psychosomatic and psychospiritual response in which the participant experiences a deep physical, energetic, emotional, and spiritual release and cleanse.
This cathartic release is physical, spiritual, emotional, and energetic, and includes some or all of the following ways to purge or release - vomit, bowel discharge, mucus, tears, shakes, vocal toning, verbal expression, and shamanic/spiritual release.
During the journey Kambo instructs you on how and what to purge, and release; and you are then given the opportunity to let go of heavy energy, density, stored pain, trauma, karma, and stories of the past. One of the effects of Kambo is that he stimulates the 3rd eye and connects you to your higher self and intuition; bringing insight and clarity around issues, patterns, past memories, and karma.
Kambo's spiritual power is that he can also remove dark/ dense energies, entities, or as the shaman's call it Panema. Another way to describe the removal of "Panema," is “clearing the pain body,” “realigning the chakras,” or reorganizing personal psychology so you may reach your full potential and expression.
Kambo’s spiritual energy or archetype is that of the Spiritual Warrior, and it is intended for those that are ready to step into their spiritual authority. It is for the warriors of light, the lightworkers, healers, and spiritual seekers on the path of awakening to their full potential. It is for those that are committed to overcoming obstacles and finding true spiritual healing.
It is a strong shamanic purgative for those ready to shed and release once and for all that does not serve. It is for the souls ready to release the limiting beliefs, the outdated stories, the trauma, the pain, and suffering. For those ready to step into the alchemical fire of their personal transformation. For those ready to illuminate truth; to dive into their light and shadow work; and are ready to embody their true radiant self.
Kambo gifts you the strength and clarity you need to live your truth. He strengthens the masculine or solar aspects of yourself, increasing your energy and willpower. The spirit of Kambo wants to help you express your creativity and wants to empower you to live in alignment with your inner and highest truth with firmness, clarity, intentionality, and sacred power.
He brings you truth, light, and loving awareness of the root cause of deeper psychological patterns, addictions, and even physical illness, and disease. Kambo brings you the gift of enlightenment. He brings light into the darkness, into the shadow, making conscious the unconscious, illuminating, and brightening the heart and spirit.
This holistic cleanse can give you more clarity, focus, and energy. By clearing all of your energy channels and cells, Kambo connects you to your higher self and intuition, while also energizing and empowering to make the changes necessary for transformation in your life.
By combining my passion and expertise in Chakra Psychology, Sacred Ceremony, and Shamanic Alchemical Transformation, I can help guide you in your healing journey by illuminating and sharing with you what stories, patterns, and limiting beliefs are showing up in your life to be transmuted.
Kambo gives you clarity and heightens your inner vision and can help you wipe the slate clean, but ultimately it's up to you to follow the wisdom of your heart, and make the changes and take the steps necessary for healing and transformation in your life. Proper discernment and active participation in your healing process is how you maintain the slate clean.
And it's okay to ask for help while on the path, that's why I am here, to be your spiritual coach and cheerleader so you can stay inspired and motivated to be the HERO of your own epic life!
Kambo is a:
* Natural earth remedy not approved by the FDA
* It is Legal in the USA and most countries, excluding Brazil
( As a testament to its medicinal properties, there are over 70 Kambo related patents lodged. Currently, there are more studies being undergone to learn more about the beneficial effects of the molecules and bio-active peptides found in the Phyllomedusa bi-color's secretion in healing a wide range of diseases, ranging from depression, addiction, and infection to even cancer.)
van Zoggel, H., Carpentier, G., Dos Santos, C., Hamma-Kourbali, Y., Courty, J., Amiche, M., & Delbé, J. (2012). Antitumor and angiostatic activities of the antimicrobial peptide dermaseptin B2. PloS one, 7(9), e44351. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3447859/

The most intense, and “unpleasant” side effects of the Kambo healing journey last about 15 to 30 minutes; this is the time in which one physically purges and releases bodily waste, bile, toxins, heavy and dense energy stored in the body. The bioactive peptides and molecules found in the Kambo excretion facilitates deep cleansing and detoxification of the blood cells, organs, and body.
Kambo Ceremony Requirements:
If this is your first time working with me, please provide me the answers to the following questions in an email:
*What is your intention for working with Kambo?
*Why are you called to the spiritual healing path?
*What are you looking to relieve and heal with Kambo? What are you looking to release or clear from your mind, body, spirit, and or life/lifestyle?

*What is your experience with ceremony?
*Do you have any heart conditions?
*Do you have a history of seizures, epilepsy, faints, low blood pressure?
*Do you have any medical or psychological conditions?
*Are you on any medication, prescription, supplements, herbal remedies?
*Do you possess any addictions? Are you currently using/consuming any drugs or alcohol?

Kambo Application/ Ceremony
* Opening Sacred Ceremony. Prayer and Invocation
* Rapée and Sananga application (not required,
for more details please ask)
* Application of Kambo Secretion Medicine onto Gates (burns)
* In the First 2-3 min you may experience a rush of heat, an increase of heartrate, discomfort, swelling, itchiness in throat, and light nausea
* Then for about 30 minutes, you experience an inward journey with the Kambo Frog Spirit into your higher self and truth, that is accompanied by physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual purge.
* Physical purge includes vomiting, and in many cases also bowel movements, tears, mucus, vocal expression, shakes, and emotional catharsis, sometimes a person can experience swelling of the face, throat, hands. (most of these symptom subside after 20/30 minutes)
* After the ceremony and for the following 1 to 2 weeks you can expect to feel lighter and brighter, experiencing more ease, flow, greater awareness, spiritual connection, confidence, higher levels of discernment, and vitality, aka KAMBO GLOW
Kambo Dieta - Required Protocols:
*Fast 8 to 12 hours before the ceremony, only water is allowed. You must not eat before the ceremony. Most ceremonies are held in the morning for this reason.
*Detox from all alcohol, caffeine, drugs, tobacco, cannabis, pharmaceuticals, medications, and alternative medicines for at least 3 full days before and after the ceremony, longer is encouraged - 7 days before and after is the standard
Depending on how deep you want to go into the cleanse, or if you are planning to work with Ayahuasca, and you are healthy, ie, you have normal blood, sugar, and heart levels:
For a deeper cleanse, or to follow a dieta similar to Ayahuasca Preparation, you can stick to a keto or very simple diet of veggies and rice/grains/beans, low salt, no garlic, no meat, no sparkly drinks, Kombucha, bread, comfort foods, sweets, and do Intermittent fasting; during the week leading up to the ceremony. If this is of interest, let me now personally.
Please Read Thoroughly!
Any person,
* on medication for Low Blood Pressure,
* with Heart Disease, including but not limited to, Heart bypass surgery, enlarged heart, Implanted cardioverter defibrillators, Pericardial effusion, Congestive heart disease, Excess fluid in the heart sack, or Heart valve replacement surgery
* with a blood clot or taking medication for one
* that has experienced stroke, and or brain aneurism.
* with an organ transplant, or taking immunosuppressants or diuretics
* recovering from a major surgical procedure
* has received any chemotherapy or radiotherapy within the past year
* with a severe Mental Disorder, excluding Depression, Anxiety, or Addiction (it is great for these) / (case by case, please consult)
* Taking ANY prescriptions medications (case by case, please consult)
* unable to stop taking any life supporting medications, or that is consuming drugs and or alcohol and unable to detox for more than 48 – 72 hours.
* with current or severe epilepsy
* Pregnant or nursing
* with Addison’s disease
* that has taken 5 MEO DMT (Bufo) in the past month
* that received an enema within 3 days prior
* that has consumed other strong medicines (eg. San Pedro, Ayahauaca, Mushrooms) within 24 hours of wanting to receive Kambo, unless otherwise specified by professional guide or shaman, please inquire for more info as this is case by case
* Under the age of 18, over the age of 70
* Being cajoled into doing Kambo by another person (including a family member)
* That lacks the mental capacity to make the decision to take Kambo
* desperate for a solution to a life-threatening problem
* Showing no respect for the medicine, ie. Bucket list
* has consumed large amounts of water prior to arriving for Kambo
* has eaten within 8 hours of receiving Kambo
* has not consumed 1-1.5L of water immediately prior to receiving Kambo.

If you have never worked with Kambo before, the 3- day Warrior Cleanse / Kambo Initiation is highly recommended and required. Three days of ceremony, three days in a row, or within one Moon cycle, is the preferred and best method for cleansing the deeper layers of conditioning; for kicking any addictive patterns; and or jumpstarting any new habits, intentions, diet, or wellness regime.
Private ceremonies can take place in the comfort of your home, in my reserved temple/ retreat/ workspace, or outdoors in nature.
Prices vary and also depend on the location and number of people.
Please contact me to receive an exact quote.
Ceremonies last from 2 to 4 hours depending on the number of people and setting.

“Doing Kambo with Carla opened and activated me in ways I could have never expected ~
With her shamanic facilitation, I felt safe & supported to go to the depths both physically AND emotionally.
Her knowledge of the body, medicine & energy work guided me to set very clear intentions and choose the best placement for them.
With her gentle, nurturing care, I wound up uncovering and purging emotions and old stories in 30-40 mins that I thought only 8 hours of Ayahuasca ceremony could bring out.
And after my third session, I felt like Superwoman ~ I had enough energy to do the impossible and was absolutely glowing in a whole new way!
Carla facilitates with awareness, skill, empowerment, grace, comfort, care, safety and love. It is activating to do this vulnerable, activating work with a woman truly attuned to letting Spirit speak & work through her 🏼
I highly recommend - it could be your greatest release!”
Violet Starkey
Freelance Conscious Media Artist
Violet Visions Media
*******Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to working with you!
Carla Jannette Gonzalez-Guerra
Cell Phone +1(619) 333-9248
Whatsapp +1(619) 333-9248